
Organ Explosion

The Vintage-Freaks

They dug up their instruments in grandma’s garage to treat these sweethearts with a carrot and stick approach: ORGAN EXPLOSION. The trio changes the sound of the old guys into an explosive-fresh sound – melodies for millions with the power of funk, the dreamworld of jazz, dirty blues and the unpredictability of punk. Impulsive, creative, raw!

Hansi Enzensperger (organ, keys), Ludwig Kloeckner (bass) and Manfred Mildenberger (drums) had met during their studies at the Munich Conservatory. After a long lasting jam session in the summer of 2011 they knew for sure: there is only one way out – they must start a band: ORGAN EXPLOSION.

Starting with them is a wide range of legendary vintage – instruments and legendary effects: Mrs. Hammond and Mr. Leslie, their relatives Sir Wurlitzer, Miss Clavinet, Aunt Moog and plenty of tubes. And also Monsieur Fender Jazz Bass and his best friend – the incredible, old fashioned Ludwig drums.